University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

The LGBTQ+ organisation inspiring creativity

Kate Dennett

ByKate Dennett

Feb 25, 2019

There are many great LGBTQ+ inclusive organisations across Brighton, but one creative group do amazing work providing a safe space for people to share their work. The Write Release are a local organisation who are championing LGBTQ+ creativity and inclusion within the artistic sphere.

Set up and managed by Aiden Bex, they host events and give LGBTQ+ writers the chance to network and meet like-minded individuals in a welcoming space.

With creative writing and the arts being a great outlet for people suffering with mental health issues, this supportive environment is a nurturing way to express your emotions through your art. For any budding creatives, this is a great opportunity to either share some of your own work, or simply listen to other incredible writers share their thoughts.

The Write Release have regular meetings that people can attend, the most frequent being The Write Reaction, where up to six writers are able to share their work. This gives you the chance to network and meet a new group of people, as well as satisfy your own love for art.

Especially during LGBTQ+ history month, it is important to show the work these great organisations are doing to further LGBTQ+ inclusion and allow people to feel like part of a community.

As well as their regular meetings, The Write Release also host regular events, which are all free to attend. As the organisation is not-for-profit, its primary focus is upon inclusivity, with it being a project of love for Bex.

Their latest event will be an LGBTQ+ performance night at The Quadrant on 25 March, giving creatives the chance to share their work in a professional setting. This event will allow people to perform in front of the Brighton community, rather than remaining within a small group.

The details for this event are on The Write Release’s website and if you are interested, be sure to book your place to avoid disappointment. It is set to be an exciting and interesting event that is definitely not one to miss out on.

If you are apprehensive about joining a new group on your own, never fear, as Sussex English Society (EngSoc) are looking to attend some of The Write Release’s events. You will be able to join other students to attend their performance nights, functioning as an EngSoc social activity for you to join. EngSoc are looking to get involved with the Brighton community a lot more to give students the chance to showcase their work outside of student settings, so if you are a budding creative or writer, it is definitely worth getting in touch with them to explore your talents in a collaborative setting.

The Write Release also offer people the chance to have their work shared on social media and be featured on their website. All you have to do is tag them on your social media for the chance to be featured, providing you with the opportunity to have your work shared with a wider audience.

It can be intimidating to perform live or share your work with others, but The Write Release offers you a chance to meet an inclusive and welcoming group of LGBTQ+ individuals, both allowing you to explore your love of art and become part of a community.

Especially at university, feeling part of a community as an LGBTQ+ individual is incredibly important, as with varying timetables and commitments, it can be easy to slip into anti-social or isolating habits.

I would definitely encourage any creative looking for something new to do to contact The Write Release, as it will give you the chance to get more involved with Brighton as a community, rather than just campus life.

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