University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Artist Focus: Faye Song

Louisa Scarlett Hunt

ByLouisa Scarlett Hunt

Dec 12, 2018

Faye Song is a young and upcoming photographer. Faye recently won the Brighton Photo Fringe OPEN18 that took place from 29 September to 28 October earlier this year. The BPF is a volunteer-led, collaborative programme that runs every other year in October in Brighton. Faye’s work Untitled was showcased at Phoenix Gallery, Brighton. Faye is 16, studying for A-levels and primarily shoots on 35 mm. 

Where do you find inspiration for your photography? 

Everywhere! (Sorry, a very typical answer!)

Congratulations on your OPEN18 young photographers win! What has your experience of Brighton Fringe been?  

Thank you! Winning it was unexpected – my friend sent the competition to me and suggested I enter but I didn’t think I would be shortlisted, let alone the winner.  It was really cool going down to Brighton and seeing my photos in an exhibition.

Tell me about the piece you entered into the competition Untitled? 

The photo means a lot to me – I think it was around that time when I realised how much I enjoyed photography. The process was really great but simultaneously very casual; I just asked two of my friends to model for me and that was mostly it.

When I saw your work I found it beautiful and serene yet also very empowering, are you conscious of empowering women through photography? 

Thank you again! Empowering women wasn’t the original intention of my photos, but I love that those ideas are being conveyed! Photography acts as a powerful medium to put forward ideas and I’m glad my photos express such an important message.

Do you have any particular favourite artists or photographers?

I quite like Harley Weir’s portraits but other than that I don’t have a particular favourite photographer at the moment.

What are your future plans for your photography? 

At the moment I don’t have any fixed plans, but I just want to take more and more photos and build up a portfolio. I want to try shooting with medium format film, so I’ll probably do that soon, too.

Find Phoenix Gallery and BFP on Instagram: @phoenix_brighton and @photofringe

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