University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Peace, bread and graffiti: ‘communist’ vandalism found at Sussex

Jessica Hubbard

ByJessica Hubbard

Mar 22, 2017
Image: Daniel Green

Graffiti of a “communist” nature was found in Lewes Court car park last week.

The graffiti depicts a hammer and sickle and a red star (icons associated with communism).

The rest of the graffiti seems to read: “Red Btn” in reference to a “red” or communist Brighton or Britain.

This comes amid multiple reports of graffiti around campus in the past weeks. Previous graffiti included: swastikas and fascist stickers.

Someone also scrawled “Jet fuel can’t melt jews” and various other anti-semitic messages on Sussex’s “Before I Die” wall.

A University of Sussex spokesperson said: “The University is aware of this graffiti and we are currently looking into the matter.  

“For all reported incidents of graffiti, we follow the same protocol and a decision is being made as to whether the graffiti is removed or covered until further investigations have been made.

“Where there is evidence that an individual or a group is inciting violence, causing a breach of the peace, or is transgressing the bounds of lawful free speech or assembly, we will always take the appropriate action.  

“In the case of graffiti which has been the subject of a complaint, or is offensive or potentially illegal, we report this to the police.

“As a truly international institution we encourage all members and visitors to our campus and community to express opinions, freely, within the law – however[,] we must balance this commitment to freedom of speech with our commitment to equality and diversity, which is central to the ethos of our community.”

Annie Pickering, Students’ Union President, said: “Graffiti removal is the responsibility of Sussex Estates and Facilities (SEF) so I imagine the graffiti will be removed by SEF.

“It is hard to know if this is linked to other graffiti found on campus.”

Sussex is not the only university experiencing incidents of offensive graffiti.

According to The Mancunion: “Exeter University has come under recent scrutiny after a swastika and ‘Rights for Whites’ sign were found graffitied in a halls of residence.”

The “communist” graffiti, found on campus, has since been removed.

Jessica Hubbard

By Jessica Hubbard

Print Production Editor at The Badger. Third-year International Relations and International Development student. Time served at The Badger: since 2016. I like cooking, baking, and bringing cakes to Badger meetings!

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