University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

One World Sussex

Freya Marshall Payne

ByFreya Marshall Payne

Mar 31, 2016

On the 18th March, Sussex ACS Society (African and Caribbean Society) held Culturefest, an evening which hosted a variety of different talents and performances, from fashion design, to music, drama and wordsmith performance.

The play which was entitled The Denied Truth and directed by Arielle Taylor. Based on the stage play by T.D Moyo, it was performed in between other events throughout the evening. Dealing with issues of love, drugs and familial turmoil, it struck a successful balance between dramatic and comic, with these brief comic moments offering relief to the gripping storylines.

Placed between the play were displays of fashion design, with dresses designed for a variety of occasions from house parties to formal balls, which incorporated both tradition and modern life, and produced by designers Rachel Osinowo and Ife Thompson. Wordsmith and external performances by B-Joux, Dylema and Nego True also hushed the audience into silence with stirring and thought-provoking words on life, politics and society.

However, the biggest cheer of the evening was won by Anthony Lunn and Oke Omoniyi who performed an original song to the loudly cheering and enthusiastic audience. The song, which was accompanied with guitar playing Lunn needed nothing more than the beautifully harmonised vocals and rhythmic guitar.

Culturefest which was held in Mandela Hall made up part of the larger Sussex University event, One World Sussex. One World Sussex describes itself as an ‘annual celebration of diversity of nationalities and cultures’ that are present at Sussex, and hosted a number of events including Culturefest from March 14th-20th.

Notably, on March 16th the Holi Festival occurred, which celebrates and shares the South Asian tradition of Holi, a vibrant celebration of colours and an event encouraging people to ‘play and laugh, and repair ruptured relationships’, as well as joyously commemorating the end of winter. Hosted by SASS (South Asian Students Society), the event delivered a fun and memorable experience, transforming Library Square into a scene of energetic excitement and colour.

Other events hosted throughout the week included Bollywood dance classes, Tai Chi, a St Patrick’s Day party, an African dance workshop and a tea sampling event along with many more. With many aspects of culture being explored, from dance, food, drink, politics, art and film, One World Sussex successfully shared a large variety of interesting cultures and customs throughout the Sussex University community.

With the aim of One World Sussex being to raise money to keep these societies running, it seems that this year was a huge success both for the promotion of the fund, and for the sharing of culture.

Sasha Khan 

Freya Marshall Payne

By Freya Marshall Payne

Editor-in-Chief. Freya also works on a radio show for Platform B, "Off the Fence", and has freelanced for local newspapers. Freya was previously the Badger's News Editor, and while at sixth form college she founded a student newspaper, The Cymbal. Twitter:

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