University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Sussex student wins £5,000 for new social networking app

Freya Marshall Payne

ByFreya Marshall Payne

Oct 19, 2015

MSc Computer Science student, George Lengyel, is an entrepreneurial runner-up of the 2015 StartUp Sussex Award, winning £5,000. Using his social networking knowledge he presented an idea for a new app. 

The app which he has named ‘Hubbub’, aims to connect people together through their location, a great way for freshers to make the most out of their first few weeks at University.

By joining the app you can connect to the ‘hubs’ which you visit the most, be it Brighton beach, the library or your favourite bar. You can also join the ‘hubs’ of somewhere you’ve been and loved, all over the world through GPS technology. You can only post in the ‘hub’ if you are in that location, but once you’ve connected with someone you can privately message them. 

George says that the app has already started to have success, despite its short existence. He explains: “Since the StartUp Sussex event, Hubbub has been trialled by Wired Sussex, and after impressing Midnight Communications – a PR firm based in Brighton, it was used as the communications platform for the Brighton and Hove Business Awards.” 

While studying for his final year at University, the StartUp Sussex scheme allowed George to have access to the Innovation Centre on campus, which allowed his app project to be bought to life. He commented; “Last summer I contacted the Innovation Centre to learn more about bringing a product to the marketplace and spreading the word about it. Upon demonstrating the product to the advisor I met with, I was asked to participate in the entrepreneurial competition Startup Sussex, to learn about the processes required in starting a business and to meet like-minded students.”

He added; “The competition, consisting of fortnightly workshops covering a wide range of topics, was an invaluable learning tool, as I had no prior business experience. Although I finished second overall in the competition, it granted me membership to the Innovation Centre and monthly mentoring sessions with an advisor up at the centre too, which has been great.” 

George has been cautious with the prize money that was awarded to him, with funds being used sparingly in order to ensure that capital is there for the future. However, some spending has been necessary.

“What I have spent so far has mostly been on services of the Innovation Centre, such as strategy meetings and being instructed through the process of registering as a limited company.” 

George is an inspiration to any aspiring entrepreneurs at Sussex to whom the StartUp Sussex business scheme would be able to support and mentor to help their dreams become true.

Lauren Wade and Jessica Scholfield

Freya Marshall Payne

By Freya Marshall Payne

Editor-in-Chief. Freya also works on a radio show for Platform B, "Off the Fence", and has freelanced for local newspapers. Freya was previously the Badger's News Editor, and while at sixth form college she founded a student newspaper, The Cymbal. Twitter:

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