University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: April 2012

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  • State of Mind: a Consciousness Expo

State of Mind: a Consciousness Expo

Interested in the mystery of consciousness? Well, the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science at Sussex will be running an exciting ‘Expo’ exploring the new science of consciousness on Saturday the…

It's Make Your Mind Up Time: how much of our world is a figment of our imagination?

“It’s make your mind up time” was one of the main events in the recent Brighton Science Festival. In a tour de force of consciousness, the day saw a series…

The inside scoop on Journalism MA

The University of Sussex’s MA in Multimedia Journalism has been met with mixed reviews by students despite it achieving national acclaim last month. The course, which is taught by industry…

‘Fat tax’ proposed to target obesity epidemic

A ‘fat tax’ has been proposed by Mike Rayner, director of the health promotion research group at the University of Oxford, in response to the obesity epidemic affecting the country.…

Looks like a man, walks like a man, thinks like a… robot

Professor Owen Holland of the Sackler Centre for Consciousness Science is leading a project to develop a robot whose body will function in a way internally and externally identical to…

Sussex students work with local schools to boost computer skills

Students at the University of Sussex have been helping the next generation by teaching them useful computer programming skills, using computer games as inspiration. The students worked with local secondary…