University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Nine nominations for UniTV station

The Badger

ByThe Badger

Apr 23, 2012

The University of Sussex Student Television network, UniTV, is nominated for nine National Student Television Association (NaSTA) awards this year.

The nominations include Best Broadcaster, Best Title Sequence, Best Video-to-Music, Best Female Presenter, Open Category, People’s Choice, Light Entertainment, Special Recognition and Best Fresher’s Coverage.

The nominations follow UniTV’s previous national accolades.

Last year the group scooped three awards at the NaSTA Awards, taking home Best Title Sequence, Highly Commended Open Category and the newly-created Best Fresher’s Coverage, along with various other nominations.

This year UniTV is looking to take home even more awards.

UniTV Station Manager, Alex Anpilogov, said: “It is great to be once again nominated for national awards in our second year; I think it is the best way of recognising our team’s achievements.

“Our highlight this year is the Best Broadcaster nomination, which will compete with the country’s best student TV stations.

“Some of them have been running for more than 30 years and operate at a much larger scale than us.

“But, I believe that we have a chance of making an impression on the judges in this category.”

UniTV launched in October 2010 and has steadily grown ever since.

The network provides students with all the important news on campus, as well as covering events such as the Student Union Awards, Candidate Question Time and full five-day coverage of Fresher’s week.

Next year the network is planning to produce more sports, entertainment and live broadcast shows.

They hope that this will encourage students to become involved and get hands-on experience with television production.

UniTV is available on YouTube and from their website:

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