As a Fresher you will find that, in the coming days and weeks, your time will become more precious than ever before. There will be pubs to be crawled, parties to be crashed and friends to be made. There may be the need for a part time job, or (god forbid) even some academic work. So why, with so many competing priorities, should you make time to play sport at Sussex?
The following are ten pretty good reasons, but don’t just take my word for it. Take a look at what other current sports members think in the mini-testimonials below. Even better find out for yourself – have a look at the ’What’s On’ section in this edition of The Badger for full listings of all the sport tasters and trials, and get involved!
1. Teammates = friends
If you are worried about making friends at Uni then join a sports team. You will never look back. Doing something you love with others who feel the same, there is no better way to make friends for life.
2. Get your money’s worth!
Most things at Uni are a bit of a rip off. From tuition fees to accommodation, there is not much value for money out there. Luckily sport is run by the Student Union, who look out for your interests. So you can attend hundreds of training sessions and matches in as many sports as you like, for only £50 a year. It is the best value sport you will ever play in your life.
3. Touuuuuur
Choose from ski tours to Europe, a week in Salou, a cricket tour to Cornwall and more. Cheap sporting holidays in fantastic locations, creating memories you will really remember long after you leave.
4. The Social Scene
Wednesday night is sports night. Rock bottom prices on food and drink at Falmer Bar, followed by queue jump and cheap entry at Oceana. Embrace it and it will become the highlight of your week.
5. Give something back
Most clubs have volunteering links with local schools or clubs, and this aspect is growing. You came up trumps getting into Sussex, getting involved in sport allows you to give something back to those a tad less fortunate.
6. It could get you a job…
Sports Clubs are run by elected committees. Get heavily into your club and you could find yourself as a Captain, Social Sec or President by the end of the year. It will open up all sorts of opportunities for you while still at Sussex, as well as when you leave. Employers love the extra curricular, so enjoy helping your club, then reap the benefits on that al important C.V.
7. Represent
You have the chance to represent your University at a sport you love, an accomplishment that not that many get to experience, enjoy it.
8. Varsity
A day of fierce sport in May, competing against Brighton for bragging rights. A fantastic day, and a chance to take them down a peg or two.
9. Practice makes perfect
If you love your sport(s) and want to get better you have come to the right place. You will have access to weekly free coaching, and hours of specialist practice time. This is the place to improve your game!
10. A link for life
As well as friends for life, Sport at Sussex also gives you a link to the University for life. Most teams have a yearly Past v Present match to see if the old guys still have what it takes, and it is a great way to keep up with old friends.