When renting a student house, it is important to realise that less people generally equals less cheese, less spare eyeliner and a lot less money… A new legislation however is about to be passed that could make this a disturbing reality for Sussex students.
Government proposals are said to be tackling large student populated areas, by limiting the number of students per house to no more than three. A total of thirty-seven recommendations were made to enforce this law by Brighton and Hove City Council earlier in the year. Property experts say it is not only a problem for students but also for young professionals and immigrants, who buy the houses because they are affordable. This leaves the landlords with either empty houses or more experienced buyers who may not part with their money as easily as students- okay ‘tap insurance’ seemed like a good idea at the time…
Although the plan has been widely criticised by landlords and their National Association board, there’s a chance this could still happen.
Liz Peace, chief executive of the British Property Federation said ‘‘you can’t use the planning system for social engineering, or to tackle anti-social behaviour’’ quite right. However the communities’ local and government secretary, John Denham threatens that if current standards continue, it will change these areas into ‘ghettos’. So socialising on a large scale is dangerous? I guess that’s a goodbye to old people’s homes as well then. Come on grannies, break it up…
Apparently there are quite a few people out there who don’t understand the social needs of students. Stan Bailey, Brighton says- ‘‘Students need to be told how to behave. They should not be allowed cars.’’ Alright ‘Stan’, back in your lorry.
There are actually multiple reasons why us students should be good for the community. Filling economy thriving areas that would otherwise be ghost towns in the summer- we’re basically like all-year-round tourists… Fertilizing random back gardens on a Friday night, and buying all the weird things in Sainsbury’s that otherwise never really get a look in. Like Arrowroot. (Makes anything really, really thick. Within reason…)
I suppose it’s a good thing if the sentence is passed, at least we’d only be encouraged to make three or less friends, eradicating the awkward, ‘Sorry, I come with David.’ and the best I’ve heard- ‘I like you too much to actually want to live with you…’
At the end of the day, we all love a good threesome, but who wants two people to blame for the mess when you can have five?