Lucy Porter, Pavilion Theatre- Tuesday 14 October 2008
Perhaps you have an older sibling that’s had no luck in life – you know the kind the one that gets very drunk at family reunions but is loved by everyone nevertheless, if anything, for being able to tell about a funny story about it. If not, perhaps you’ll find an ‘older sibling’ figure of this kind in Lucy Porter at her show ‘Bare Necessities’.
If you know this kind of sibling, however, you’ll also know that sometimes they can be very annoying, and this is equally true for Lucy Porter. Her set last Tuesday at the Pavilion Theatre was, at best, a disorganized barrage of, admittedly, well-timed though over-excited jokes about the 80’s. Sometimes abrasive, sometimes funny, always with the air of needing to get laid, Lucy Porter sprinted through the one-hour set as if she was paid by the joke and badly needed to make ends meet. The show did have a somewhat loose framework that worked around the declining economy, but hopes of coherence were deflated with the announcement, ‘Does anyone know what the fuck is going on?’ On the whole, though not particularly innovative or intelligent, Lucy Porter was personal. One for the lonely – she’s a lot lonelier than you, but you can still laugh about it at the dinner table.
Like Lucy Porter? Check out our interview with her.