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Tom Wills on radicalism at Sussex

Former Students' Union president, Tom Wills offers his take on the radical nature of student activism at Sussex

Interview with former Students' Union president Dan Glass

Perhaps too often, university life is described as being comparable to existing within a bubble. A bit like ‘Big Brother’. Throughout your time as a student, you will most likely…

Interview with former president Cam Matheson

This week, the Badger reports that the Guardian has found Sussex to be one of the most middle-classed universities in the country. Certainly, to many minds, your stereotypical Sussex student…

Freshers’ week hailed as most successful in years

As Freshers’ Week began, tickets for the events were quickly selling out, including the Barn Dance, Laid Back and Latte and Brightonian Nights. The Barn Dance was the first event…

Cuts to USSU’s block grant sets dangerous precedent

The reduction in USSU’s block grant from the university is a bitter pill to swallow. It should not be taken lightly and it matters to anyone who uses the bars…

University of Sussex accused of "discriminating against disabled students" after breaching equality law

The University of Sussex has allegedly breached legal requirements after failing to consult disabled students before their “proposal for change” to student support services, sparking new conflict between the university…

Final year students: how you can help stop the cuts? Students should hold off taking part in the National Student Survey until management listens to our concerns

The National Student Survey (NSS) is an annual survey of final year undergraduate students. USSU is asking final year undergraduates not to take part in the NSS in protest at…

University of Sussex Deputy VC Paul Layzell announces resignation

On Friday 19 March it was announced that Deputy Vice-Chancellor Paul Layzell is to leave his position at the University of Sussex after accepting his new role of principal at…

Sussex UCU votes for strike action

Last Wednesday 3 March, the University and College Union (UCU) at Sussex voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action in their fight to save jobs and services at the university.…

USSU push for National Student Survey boycott

The University of Sussex Students’ Union (USSU) has urged all final year undergraduates to boycott the National Student Survey (NSS) in protest of the proposed cuts to jobs, courses and…

Boycott referendum rerun is rescheduled

Union Council votes to postpone Israeli boycott referendum until autumn term On Friday, the University of Sussex’s Student Union (USSU) Council voted to postpone the re-running of the Israeli boycott…

University of Sussex successful in national Student Satisfaction Survey

The University of Sussex has made a significant leap in the most recent Times Higher Education’s Student Experience poll, published earlier this month. The results, taken from nationwide surveys in…

Union Council to put Constitution to the test

If you’ve been following the debate which followed last term’s referendum to ban Israeli produce from USSU stores, then very little of what follows will be news to you. If…

Stop the Cuts – Protest Video (3/12/09)

A video showing the protest on the 3rd December 2009 against over 100 proposed job cuts at the University of Sussex.

Hundreds of angry students storm Bramber House

On Thursday 3rd December, hundreds of outraged students stormed Bramber House for the second time this term. The demonstration highlighted the way in which senior managers at the University of…

Lies, spin and the fight against cut-backs

For those of you who have seen the University’s recent ‘response to financial challenges’ you could be forgiven for finding it laughable. Not that any of what it contains is…

Where's the 'us' in USSU?

During the course of the last week, several Facebook groups have emerged attacking the University of Sussex Students’ Union (USSU) for its recent facilitation of boycotts and bans.

"Don't silence us" say Sussex students

Students and staff taped their mouths shut to show their opposition to a management move that the protestors say will “end University democracy”. The protest took place on Wednesday 18…

War against the HMOs?

Friends is the most repeated show in television history. Whenever there is nothing on, we can all agree to engage in the most common form of televised procrastination and settle…

Past teams show current lot how it’s done

On the second Saturday of March, in cold and dreary conditions, Falmer Sports Complex played host to both current and former Sussex sportsmen and women in the rebranded: past versus…