Brighton and Hove To Launch New Landlord Licensing Scheme
Plans to introduce licences for all residential landlords in parts of Brighton and Hove are on course for launch this September. This comes after a four-year campaign by the grassroots…
SU Advice: Moving into Privately Rented Accommodation
Moving into privately-rented accommodation can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time. The Students’ Union advice team provides advice on University-related issues and housing for every Sussex student. If…
Why Do Landlords Hate Us?
You’re a student and chances are you’re living in a slightly mouldy semi detached house somewhere in Brighton or its surrounding areas, and suddenly the bathroom light won’t stop flickering…
Landlord from hell: Sussex student says “know your rights”
A University of Sussex student has approached The Badger with a plea that students learn their legal rights when renting.
Renting Unaffordable for Young People
South East among the most expensive areas to rent as revealed by BBC research. Research carried out by The BBC has found that renting is unaffordable for two-thirds of people…
Students slam landlords and letting agents in new survey
The results of this year’s Rate Your Landlord survey has highlighted many of the problems faced by students living in and around the Brighton and Hove area when renting private-sector…