Readers Inc: Never Let Me Go
It is clear a book is wonderful when it can lead you from rejoicing at the smallest, quietest achievements on one page to shedding tears of sorrow and despair on…
Readers Inc: The Big Book Share
Books have a strength like no other – a book that has been enjoyed invokes a desire to share, to inform, to discuss. Passionate readers will be familiar with the…
Readers Inc: Save the Libraries
Libraries have been part of our society for over 150 years, ever since the Public Libraries Act of 1850 deemed them an essential tool to ‘raise educational standards throughout society’.…
Readers Inc: The Orange Prize
Virginia Woolf argued in her essay A Room of One’s Own, that a woman must possess an ‘incandescent and androgynous’ mind if she is to succeed; that the piece of…
Readers inc: Ted Hughes – Last Letter
In the world of poetry, the discovery of an unpublished work by the late poet laureate Ted Hughes about his relationship with Sylvia Plath is like the discovery of an…