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Neuroscience explores Sex, Drugs, and Rock’n’Roll

Researchers have found that the opioid system, responsible for pleasure from natural rewards and drugs, is also needed for the enjoyment of music Music and drugs activate the same circuits…

Your brain on improv: experiments with Jazz and Hip Hop

Dr Charles Limb, a respected hearing specialist and surgeon, has recently conducted a series of controversial and innovative experiments at the John Hopkins University in Baltimore. The studies explore what…

Neurosexology: orgasm, another state of consciousness?

Who said taking part in psychology experiments was boring? Well for one New Scientist reporter, getting involved with one study was orgasmic. Kayt Sukel was asked to stimulate herself while…

Love reduces pain like a painkiller

Love is a profound euphoric feeling, a culturally universal phenomenon. From an evolutionary perspective, candid affection facilitates reproduction, good parental care, and material benefits. It also fulfills our sociality as…

The chemical of motivation

What fascinates and troubles me about the brain is what it wants and desires. I’m always acutely aware of the limits of my own free will: eat less, exercise more,…