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Rebecca Long-Bailey sacking: An attack on the Labour left or a defiant stance on anti-Semitism?

Last week the shadow education minister Rebecca Long-Bailey was sacked from her role due to the sharing of an article that, it was claimed, contained anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. Lots of…

Politics Recap: Here’s what you missed over the festive break

It’s been a busy few weeks in British politics, so here’s what you might have missed over the festive period.

Let’s vote for manifestos, not idols

By Issy Anthony – Comment Sub-Editor I want us to question how we look at politicians, and more specifically, political leaders. This is the first election I will be voting…

Jeremy Corbyn is (still) not very good

After last June’s General Election results, it would be tempting to view Jeremy Corbyn as some kind of political genius. A victorious underdog and master communicator who finally made that…

Did Labour win the election? A Sussex perspective

The short answer is obviously no. The Tories remain in power, for now at least, propped up by the DUP whose social views most in the UK and in the…

Catch 20 EU: Why Labour Is Stuck In The Middle On Brexit

If you believe the polls, the Labour Party faces annihilation at the next general election. Trailing the Conservatives by a dismal 14% nationally, and hitting its lowest rating in Wales…

NUS National Conference begins with controversy for Sussex delegates

Three of Sussex’s delegates for 2016’s National Union of Students (NUS) conference are publicly backing a candidate, Malia Bouattia, who has been asked to explain her “extremely concerning rhetoric” by…

The Big Debate: Should grammar schools be abolished?

Yes Should grammar schools be exterminated or expanded? EXTERMINATE! When I’m elected Prime Minister, on the biggest landslide result the nation has ever seen in the year 2040, the first…

Jeremy Corbyn shot himself in the foot over Trident

The Labour conference this year was something of a surreal experience for me, having grown up in the New Labour years of perfectly crafted ‘managerial-like’ conference speeches, full of buzzwords…

Sussex academic made Labour economic adviser

Sussex academic Mariana Mazzucato will take up the position of an economic adviser for Jeremy Corbyn’s Shadow Cabinet. Labour’s new Shadow-Chancellor John McDonnell announced her appointment during his speech at…

Labour Party Conference comes to Brighton

Thousands of Labour Party activists headed to Brighton’s Hilton Metropole for the party’s annual conference from 27 – 30 September. The conference saw speeches from Labour MPs, including their newly…

Caroline Lucas returns to campus for Union Q and A

Caroline Lucas, the MP for Brighton Pavilion and the only elected member of the Green Party, visited the University of Sussex for the first time since her re-election in May.…

Pale and male? Representation and Jeremy Corbyn’s cabinet

The new Labour shadow cabinet positions have been allocated, and I have been struggling (significantly more than usual) to deal with the fatuous and repetitive onslaught that the media has…

The Labour leadership election: A new hope for democracy?

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away… It is a period of civil war. Rebel spaceships, striking from a not so hidden base (Islington North) have won…

Jeremy Corbyn leaves door open for possible pact with Caroline Lucas

Scroll down for our interview with Jeremy Corbyn. Jeremy Corbyn has left open the possibility of an electoral pact with Green MP Caroline Lucas. When asked by The Badger if…

Will Saunders: why I’ve joined #Tories4Corbyn

As anyone who knows me is all too aware, I can’t stand the Labour Party. I harbour a burning contempt for them, and would love to see them consigned to…

The Cult of Charisma

Dear Badger, During a recent political discussion with a friend of mine, we began comparing the two leaders of the dominant political parties. We share a mutual scepticism of the…

Can't we all just get along?

Any man to have braved the library’s little boys’ room may have noticed the scribbling there which reads: “I don’t believe in the left wing or the right wing, I…

Is Brighton better off with Nancy? Why Labour could be the best option for Brighton’s voters

For years, I resisted the urge to join the Labour Party. Why? It’s not that I wasn’t interested in politics and campaigning. In my pushchair, I was wheeled between demonstrations…

A* proves problematic for professionals

Leading universities throughout the country are arguing over whether to include the new A* grade as part of their new admission criteria. The newly introduced grade will be awarded to…