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SU Leadership Elections 2024: Education and Employability Officer

On 6 March, The Badger interviewed several candidates in the Sussex Student Unions’ Leadership Elections, including those for Education and Employability Officer. This role will involve representing and supporting the…

SU Leadership Elections 2024: Diversity, Access and Participation Officer

On 6 March, The Badger interviewed several candidates in the Sussex Student Unions’ Leadership Elections, including those for Diversity, Access and Participation Officer. This role will involve representing and supporting…

Third time’s the charm?

Marine Le Pen has announced her candidacy for the 2022 French Presidential election.

Chaos at this year’s Iowa Caucus

This year's Iowa caucus caused a political storm. Our News Sub-Editor, Venice Hancock, discusses the night

Why the world will miss President Obama

In the midst of an election which has morphed into a farcical contest between ‘no change’ and backwards change, it’s hard not to wonder what happened to American progressivism. Eight…

Icelandic election shows politics at its best

Unless you have had your head buried in the sand for the last three months (and if you have, I can understand why!), you would have seen that the American…

Record number of students stand for election

11 students are set to run for the position of President in this year’s Students’ Union elections, in one of the most contested elections for the role in recent years.…

The Big Debate: Is the British monarchy a viable institution in the 21st century?

Yes As Queen Elizabeth II’s reign surpasses that of her great-grandmother Queen Victoria, it seems that anti-monarchist feeling has reached fever pitch. Yet here I will highlight the array of…

Political Highlights

The American Election: Last Tuesday saw the re-election of the incumbent President of the United States, Barack Obama. Despite gaining 100 more electoral college votes than his competitor Mitt Romney,…

U.S. election at East Slope Bar

Election night on 6 November saw scores of Sussex students on campus and across Brighton pulling all-nighters to witness an historic Presidential election, which ended in an Obama victory. Students…

Track the Campaign – Democracy 2012

For this year’s Track the Campaign, the Badger has joined forces with The Independent newspaper’s valiant Democracy 2015 movement. Carrying the slogan: “People Politics, Not Party Politics”, Democracy 2015’s aims…

Is Brighton better off with Nancy? Why Labour could be the best option for Brighton’s voters

For years, I resisted the urge to join the Labour Party. Why? It’s not that I wasn’t interested in politics and campaigning. In my pushchair, I was wheeled between demonstrations…

Vote for Charlotte, not Charlatans

Let me begin by saying how the recent MP expenses scandal shocked and outraged us all – and rightly so. However, this does not justify judging Charlotte Vere, Conservative candidate…