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Union Council agrees to NUS and military referendum

Union council last week decided to hold cross-campus referendums on two of the most controversial motions tabled at this years Students’ Union Annual General Meeting (AGM). The motion for Sussex…

The AGM, the NUS & the way forward

Sussex’s Annual General Meeting is always good fun, despite the boring initial procedures, the confusion, and the long hours of sitting on a wooden floor (perhaps an idea to get…

Why say NO to disaffiliation?

I just wish to start by saying how much I hate NUS. Words can hardly do my bitterness justice, but saying I despise it with every ounce of my being…

AGM throws up unexpected results

The Student Union AGM last Thursday saw a few hundred (though still not enough) students take to the floor of Mandela hall to debate agendas, motions and budgets. For a…