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Not Wanting Children as a Twenty-Something-Year-Old

Words by Beth Brown, Features Editor Entering your twenties is a time when everything starts to feel very real. You are no longer comforted by teenagehood, and many twenty-something-year-olds start…

Literary characters with disabilities

On World Book Day 2019, authors and screenwriters came forward calling for more diversity in children’s books, so young people see representations of themselves in the books they read. Rachel…

Full Discussion with Little Green Pig

We got the chance to talk to Catherine from Brighton & Hove’s local organisation, Little Green Pig, who work with young people to unlock their imaginations and explore their creativity.…

Human Crufts: The Obsession With Celebrity Children

At the risk of sounding bitter with age (I am a ripe old twenty three years old) I have a request to make. Please, for the love of god, stop…

Protest is education not indoctrination

At the Women’s March in London it was a single child who stuck in my mind: a little boy who could have been hardly older than eight. He saw the…

The Big Debate: Should grammar schools be abolished?

Yes Should grammar schools be exterminated or expanded? EXTERMINATE! When I’m elected Prime Minister, on the biggest landslide result the nation has ever seen in the year 2040, the first…

Fighting for the rights of the world's children

It is 40 years since I arrived as a student at Sussex University in the wake of the global student revolution of 1968, in the year of Woodstock and the…