University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Browne Review

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What is happening to our universities?

As two undergraduate students who have followed the Government’s plans for higher education over the preceding weeks, we have been appalled by the lack of proper scrutiny both in the…

The Browne Review: a future unknown

Students are standing on the threshold of a new era of learning. The publication of the Browne Review has invited mass speculation over the future of higher education and has…

Students excused from seminars to protest fees in London

Students at Sussex will be excused from lectures and seminars this Wednesday, 10 November, as thousands of people from all over the country will gather to protest the looming cuts…

Are the Liberal Democrats dead in the water?

I registered my support for a political party for the first time just months after my sixteenth birthday, and I still remember it as though it was yesterday. Just a…

Vice-chancellor Michael Farthing suggests tuition fees increase to £7,500

The Vice Chancellor at the University of Sussex, Michael Farthing, warned last week that students will have to pay up to £7,500 annually to keep up standards in higher education.…