When life gives you Lemons
Brighton-based eco-friendly bus company, The Big Lemon, have been awarded a half million-pound government grant to add five brand new electric vehicles to their fleet of 12 low – emission…
When life gives you lemons, petition to keep them afloat
University of Sussex students have launched a campaign in support of The Big Lemon, petitioning the Competition Commission to change the ‘unfair’ rules governing bus service competition, in order to…
Business news for Brighton & Hove
Trouble for ‘Big Lemon’ A move from the cities municipal bus service, Brighton and Hove Buses, has led to the removal of one of The Big Lemon’s main routes. From…
Save our service! The Big Lemon raises over £200 in benefit gig
The battle to save the Big Lemon bus gained steam last Monday night in a Brighton bar. The environmentally-friendly and award-winning bus company held a benefit gig at the Latest…
'Save the Big Lemon' campaign rallies record support as petition signatures surge
The Big Lemon campaign is going from strength to strength as students and other Brighton residents rally up their support for the environmentally friendly bus service. The petition, launched on…
Info appeal – Big Lemon bus seat stolen
On Tuesday night/Wednesday morning of the 21 January between the hours of 3am – 4am, a bench seat was stolen from a Big Lemon bus.
The Big Lemon to reward customers
The Big Lemon, the bus service powered by waste cooking oil from local restaurants, will now run hourly throughout the day from 8am to 4am, Monday to Friday, and all…