The Big Debate: housing on campus

After ‘The Guardian’ suggested that Sussex’s accommodation is tantamount to a miniature class sytem, we asked two students their views.…


The Cult of Charisma

Dear Badger, During a recent political discussion with a friend of mine, we began comparing the two leaders of the…


The North-South Divide

Dear Badger, When referring to the English North-South divide, we normally refer to the cultural and economic differences between the…


A fresh new perspective

Dear Badger, I recently helped out a friend, who is building a straw bale house in his back garden, with…


Aspects of Homesickness

Eva Mendez The first weeks at a new university can be a time of excessive partying, a time of engaging…


Glued to our screens?

              The 21st Century Real Virtual World Jonathan Stefanni-Machado Apple’s highly anticipated iPhone 5…


Is Sussex worth £9000?

Yes! Justin Sealey The debate over exactly how much universities should be charging is one that has been repeated on…


A life without Facebook

If you type ‘Facebook’ into Google, you will get around 3 billion results in 0.06 seconds. Unless you have been…