University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: February 2010

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  • A rejection of the claims levelled against the campaign to boycott Israeli goods.

A rejection of the claims levelled against the campaign to boycott Israeli goods.

Towards the end of last term and throughout the winter holidays, a certain group has made their views clear regarding the referendum proposing to boycott Israeli goods on campus. The…

Section 28: seven years on

This LGBT History Month marks the seventh anniversary of the abolition of Section 28, which prohibited schools from discussing LGBT issues. This denotes a stark contrast to the climate today,…

The Careers and Employability Centre Speaks

Henry Degnin’s opinions, expressed in ‘I’m talking ‘bout money money’ (Page 8, The Badger, 18.10.2010) raise some very important questions about the expectations students may hold about the process of…

Vote for Charlotte, not Charlatans

Let me begin by saying how the recent MP expenses scandal shocked and outraged us all – and rightly so. However, this does not justify judging Charlotte Vere, Conservative candidate…