Write them off at your peril

The Perils @ Latest Music Bar, 19 Jan Rough Trade’s Breakthrough event at the Latest Music Bar most definitely made…


Runway madness…

The decision on Heathrow’s third runway came on Thursday 15 January. It was not, unfortunately, a surprise. The government has…


Brighton: a history of fascism?

Brighton has traditionally been seen as a ‘liberal’ city: a place of diversity with little discrimination or prejudice. In fact,…


The prospect of graduating

As I began writing this I receive a text from my boyfriend. “My Mum has just suggested I get some…


Lady GaGa – The Fame (Polydor)

Despite my best efforts, it’s stupidly difficult to believe that Joanne Stefani Germanotta was ever in the position of being…


Moral dilemmas that must be faced

The Israel/Palestine debate is not an easy one to delve into, and frankly I’m astonished that anyone can whole-heartedly embrace…