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Cecil Rhodes: Erase history or contextualise it?

Last week Oriel College at the University of Oxford released a statement asserting that the statue of politician, colonialist and benefactor Cecil Rhodes will remain on the building’s high street…

Racism in higher education

Race and racism, diversity and equal opportunities are words that are bandied around a lot in higher education and a recent study has bought them again to the fore. The…

Iran condemns Oxford scholarship

The Iranian Embassy has accused Oxford University of a “politically motivated move” following the establishment of a scholarship made in honour of an Iranian student killed during post-election unrest in…

A* proves problematic for professionals

Leading universities throughout the country are arguing over whether to include the new A* grade as part of their new admission criteria. The newly introduced grade will be awarded to…

Oxford University opens new animal testing lab

Animal testing began at Oxford University earlier this month in a new £18m Biomedical Sciences building after years of protest about the construction of the animal laboratory. The biomedical building…