University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

gabriel webber

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#Socialstudents get their say on lectures

Media studies lecturers throughout the country are urging their students to live-tweet during lectures. Students are being encouraged to discuss their subjects and hone their social networking skills. Universities including…

Pro-suicide bomber speaks at university

The Queen Mary University Palestine Solidarity Society has invited Dr Azzam Tamimi to address a meeting, despite protests from students who claim that he promotes terrorism and is an active…

Councillors do not need to pray before meetings

A High Court judge has ruled that it is unlawful for local councils to include prayers as part of their formal business. The judgement has been attacked by numerous religious…

Something of the knight about him

In 2005, Sir Fred Goodwin was knighted “for services to banking.” This year, he had his knighthood annulled “for bringing the honours system into disrepute.” Her Majesty withdrew the title…

Why on earth are we giving the Queen a yacht?

“The true value of a gift is not how much it costs, but the story that we attach to it,” wrote the economics editor of The Guardian last Christmas. Presumably…

Landlords could be penalised for housing Brighton’s students

Brighton & Hove City Council is considering requiring all Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) in areas with particularly high student populations to be licensed. Currently, landlords owning HMOs only need…

Nick Clegg criticised by NUS over unpaid interns

The Vice-President of the NUS has criticised Nick Clegg for allowing members of his party to recruit unpaid interns despite his pledge to abolish unpaid placements. In his pledge the…

Special mission impossible – Livni’s return

In 2009, Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni cancelled an official visit to the UK after a magistrate issued an arrest warrant for war crimes committed during Operation Cast Lead in…

A ballot-proof police force?

Last month I received a personal letter from the Home Secretary. It read: Dear Gabriel, I am pleased to offer you a place on the National Police Commissioners Selection Panel.…