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Catcalling: Why no-one is ever asking for it

It’s 2pm on a fairly warm afternoon in June, I’m on my way to the station, meeting friends in Brixton for a rooftop day party. I’m wearing black jeans, a…

International Womens’ Day and Feminism Today

Vicky Grantham discusses the prevalence of Feminism in light of International Women’s Day, especially through social media. Hundreds marched in support of International Women’s Day in London with many donning…

Sisterhood, Suffragettes & Sexual Equality: Interview with Dr. Margaretta Jolly, director of new Women's Liberation research project

Zoë Halse The exhibition ‘The Long March to Equality: Treasures of the Women’s Library’, currently taking place at the Women’s Library at London Metropolitan University, aims to “capture the voices…

Think twice before you self-identify

Here at radical Sussex, racism, homophobia, sexism and other forms of bigotry and discrimination are rightly deplored. If I was to ask you now if you were pro-equality and opposed…

Militant feminist outbursts are unnecessary

Poring through The Badger last week, I came across a response to Dino Kazamia’s critique of The Social Network, in my opinion a masterful film from a director who has…

Bridging the pay gap

Just over a week ago it was widely publicized in the national press that women working full-time in both the UK and America may as well take an eight week…

Gender is a drag performance

Last week I wrote in these pages that feminism is a relevant and important social movement that offers benefits for everyone. As part of this argument, this week I offer…

Feminism is nothing less than common sense

Plenty of people think that feminism today is verging on irrelevance. The waves of political agitation that saw women gain the right to vote and to work alongside men in…