Notes from the underground: YE YE Fever
You have the feeling and you can’t shake it off. You absolutely want to boogie to the rhythms of Africa. It can happen. All you need to do is to…
Floating on cloud number…
Performed by SUDs last week ‘Cloud Nine’ by Caryl Churchill explores gender issues, hypocrisy and human absurdity, and by and large was an excellent and enjoyable performance.
An expression of oppression: ‘Cloud Nine’ preview
Cloud Nine is an assault on hypocrisy. Caryl Churchill wanted to show ‘the parallel between colonial and sexual oppression’. By this, she meant that it is the same mentality of…
Why aid for women always comes last
It probably won’t surprise you to know that one in sixteen women die in pregnancy or childbirth in Africa, or that in Ethiopia that figure is one in seven. We…
The Scramble for Africa: the DR Congo case
African issues seems to have gained popular debate within academia, students and in general public gatherings . However, this dialectic discourse has never taken a clear and critical position in…
Fuel vs. Food: Agrofuels and Africa
As our planet faces carbon-fuelled destruction, it is bewildering that the European Union considers agrofuels to be part of the solution. On 11 September 2008, a European Parliament vote confirmed…