University of Sussex Students' Newspaper

Month: March 2012

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  • Something of the knight about him

Something of the knight about him

In 2005, Sir Fred Goodwin was knighted “for services to banking.” This year, he had his knighthood annulled “for bringing the honours system into disrepute.” Her Majesty withdrew the title…

The Israeli boycott referendum is overdue

I write this article as a response to last week’s “The Big Debate” piece by Messrs. Saelens, Corn and Jasper. The Union’s boycott of Israeli goods is and always will…

Sex education needs more information, not less

When it comes to sex education, can we ever supply too much information to teenagers? This question is at the heart of a debate that erupted between members of the…

Three Musk-Ideas: the competition finalists

Three ideas have made the finals of the enterprise competition this month, which has been taking place since the start of the academic year. The three finalist ideas are: a…